NRI/PIO/OCI Home Loans
Are NRI/PIO/OCI eligible for Housing loans to buy property from any Indian Bank?
An authorised dealer or a housing finance institution in India approved by the National Housing Bank may provide housing loan to a non-resident Indian or a person of Indian origin residing outside India. for acquisition of a residential accommodation in India, subject to the following conditions, namely:
(a) the quantum of loans, margin money and the period of repayment shall be at par with those applicable to housing finance provided to a person residing in India.
(b) the loan amount shall not be credited to Non-resident External (NRE)/Foreign Currency Non-resident (FCNR)/Non-resident non-repatriable (NRNR) account of the borrower.
(c) the loan shall be fully secured by equitable mortgage by deposit of title deal of the property proposed to be acquired, and if necessary, also be lien on the borrower’s other assets in India.
(d) the instalment of loan, interest and other charges, if any, shall be paid by the borrower by remittances from outside India through normal banking channels or out of funds in his Non-resident External (NRE)/Foreign Currency Non-resident (FCNR)/Non-resident Non-repatriable (NRNR)/Non-resident Ordinary (NRO)/non-resident Special Rupee (NRSR) account in India, or out of rental income derived from renting out the property acquired by utilization of the loan or by any relative of the borrower in India by crediting the borrower’s loan account through the bank account of such relative (The word ‘relative’ means ‘relative’ as defined in section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956.)
(e) the rate of interest on the loan shall conform to the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India or, as the case may be, the National Housing Bank.
Can NRIs obtain loans for acquisition of a house/flat for residential purpose from authorized dealers/financial institutions providing housing finance?
Reserve Bank has granted general permission to certain financial institutions providing housing finance e.g. HDFC, LIC Housing Finance Ltd., etc., and authorized dealers to grant housing loans to non-resident Indian nationals for acquisition of a house/flat for self-occupation subject to certain conditions. The purpose of the loan, margin money and the quantum of loan will be at par with those applicable to housing loans to residents. Repayment of loan should be made within a period not exceeding 15 years out of inward remittances or out of funds held in the investors’ NRE/FCNR/NRO accounts.

NRI/PIO/OCI Home Loans
Can Indian companies grant loans to their NRI staff?
Reserve Bank permits Indian firms/companies to grant housing loans to their employees deputed abroad and holding Indian passports subject to certain conditions.
Yes. Under the general permission granted by Reserve Bank properties other than agricultural land/farm house/plantation property can be acquired by foreign citizens of Indian origin provided the purchase consideration is met either out of inward remittances in foreign exchange through normal banking channels or out of funds from the purchasers non-resident (external) rupee account (NRE) or non-resident (ordinary) account (NRO) or non resident (foreign currency) account (FCNRB) accounts maintained with banks in India and a declaration is submitted to the Central Office of Reserve Bank in form IPI 7 within a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of the property/final payment of purchase consideration.
Indicative list of documents required for home loans
Salaried individuals | Self-employed individuals |
Copy of employment contract | Balance sheets and P&L a/c of the |
Latest Salary slip | company for last 3 years |
Latest work permit | Bank a/c statements for last 6 months for |
Bank statement for 4 months or NRE/NRO a/c | company and individual, both |
6 months statement | Income tax returns (3 years) |
Passport/visa copy | Passport/visa copy |
Utility bill for address proof | Utility bill for address proof |
PIO/OCI card | PIO/OCI card |
Power of Attorney (if applicable, in respective bank's format) | Power of Attorney (if applicable, in respective bank's format) |
Customer credit check report | Credit check report |
Property agreement duly registered or other related docs | Property agreement or other related docs |
Income Tax returns last 2 years |